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Prepare for Winter WAN Party: Full schedule of games starting tomorrow night Fri Feb 7
Posted on Thursday February 06, 2025
Our winter WAN party kicks off tomorrow night Friday February 7 around 9:00 PM Eastern with Sea of Thieves or Zero-K depending on your preference. It will start back up again on Saturday afternoon at 2:00 PM Eastern with Counter-Strike 2, take a break between 5-6 PM Eastern for dinner and then pick back up again at 6:00 PM Eastern with Left 4 Dead 2 Helm's Deep survival. In between there will be lots of other gaming fun. See below for the full schedule and for a lot of games currently on sale for cheap in case you do not have them already.
Friday night
9:00 -? SoT or ZK
Saturday afternoon
2:00-3:00 CS2 (FREE)
3:00-4:00 BF3 Deluxe/Premium ($4)
4:00-5:00 CMW ($25)
5:00-6:00 break (dinner)
Saturday night
6:00-7:00 L4D2 survival ($10)
7:00-8:00 TTF2 ($3)
8:00-9:00 BFV ($2)
9:00-10:00 SWBF ($6)
10:00-11:00 DoDS ($10)
Prepare for Winter WAN Party: Day of Defeat:Source @ 10:00 PM Eastern Sat Feb 8
Posted on Wednesday February 05, 2025
The final game to close out our schedule of events for our winter WAN party taking place next Saturday February 8 will be Day of Defeat:Source at 10:00 PM Eastern. You need only have it installed from STEAM as any maps that are not included with the game will be downloaded from the server automatically. However, if you want to make sure that you have all the maps ahead of time, you can download them from here. If you do not already own the game, you can buy it through STEAM: ($10)
We plan to have a server called [OSF] LAN party that players from the internet will be able to join which we will advertise the IP address for on Discord. There is in-game chat for this game to use for team-oriented coordination, but we will use the Discord to coordinate and socialize.
If you have issues launching this game or any other Source engine game (CS2, L4D2), use the instructions here to use command line options such as windowed mode to launch the game and then set your video options to a working mode.
Prepare for Winter WAN Party: Star Wars Battlefront @ 9:00 PM Eastern Sat Feb 8
Posted on Tuesday February 04, 2025
The next game to show up in our schedule of events for our winter WAN party taking place next Saturday February 8 will be Star Wars Battlefront at 9:00 PM Eastern. We were hoping to use Star Wars Battlefront 2, but the private servers for it are not available yet. Make sure that you have the Ultimate edition (or all the DLC) as we will be playing it. If you do not already own the game, you can buy it through EA Games: ($6)
We will be playing a private match, so we will start by meeting in a private match lobby of the game. You need to be on the EA Games friends list of the host, so if you have never played the game with us, please post your EA Games name here (or make sure to add Kramerika to your EA Games friends list at the least). There is no in-game chat to use for this game, so we will use the Discord lobby to coordinate and socialize.
Prepare for Winter WAN Party: Battlefield V @ 8:00 PM Eastern Sat Feb 8
Posted on Monday February 03, 2025
The next game to show up in our schedule of events for our winter WAN party taking place next Saturday February 8 will be Battlefield V at 8:00 PM Eastern. This is a World War II game that includes larger maps with vehicles. We will be using a private server through the game called [OSF] LAN Party with a password of foliage. To find the server, go to Play -> Community Games -> Browse Community Games -> Reset Filter -> Refresh -> Filter (by Name: [OSF]). This should bring up our server in the list. Do not join on others because it will unbalance the teams.
You can buy the game at the link below for $2 on EA. Is is also on sale on STEAM for $2.50 in case you prefer STEAM.$2)$2.50)
It does have profanity with the game announcer, but you can disable that by turning of the "In-Game Announcer" in the settings. You can also set it to 11 different languages including "Brazilian Portuguese" if that does not work.
7D2D Community Night, Wednesday February 5 @ 9:00 PM Eastern
Posted on Monday February 03, 2025
Game: 7 Days to Die
Time: 9:00 PM Eastern (8:00 PM Central, 7:00 PM Mountain, 6:00 PM Pacific)
7 Days to Die is a zombie apocalypse survival game with some crafting/building, similar to The Forest. We will have a server running for it on community nights. The name of our server is [OSF] Die in the Dell and can be found by searching the in-game server browser for [OSF] or by adding the IP ( manually. Do not use the external STEAM server browser to join the server as it does not work properly.
You can buy 7 Days to Die for $45 and find more information about it here:
Although there is in-game voice communication, we will also meet in a Discord Game Lobby and use that instead.
Prepare for Winter WAN Party: Titanfall 2 @ 7:00 PM Eastern Sat Feb 8
Posted on Sunday February 02, 2025
The next game to show up in our schedule of events for our winter WAN party taking place next Saturday February 8 will be Titanfall 2 at 7:00 PM Eastern. If you do not already own the game, you can buy it on EA or STEAM for $3:
We will be using the Northstar client to play a custom private match for the game. Northstar patches some of the issues with the game crashing and allows for customization of the match including higher maxplayers for the game modes. At the link to our FAQ below, you can find the instructions to download/install the FlightCore launcher which will install the Northstar client and keep it updated as well as launch the game. We will attempt to play Frontier Defense on a server elsewhere that can host more than 4 players. If that does not work out, we will play Attrition on our private server called [OSF] LAN Party which is currently running and can be tested by joining it from the in-game browser.
There is in-game chat for this game, but we will use the Discord lobby to coordinate and socialize.
Prepare for Winter WAN Party: Left 4 Dead 2 Survival @ 6:00 PM Eastern Sat Feb 8
Posted on Friday January 31, 2025
The next game to show up in our schedule of events for our winter WAN party taking place next Saturday February 8 is Left 4 Dead 2 at 6:00 PM Eastern. If all goes according to plan, we will have a server (called [OSF] LAN party) which we will advertise the IP address for on Discord and will be playing the Helms Deep survival map. If we make it to the end of that one or need a change of pace, we will move on to another map from the list below in whatever time of the hour is left. If you have not yet played this game with us, our server is modded to allow for up to 32 players at the same time but adjusts the difficulty upward with each player beyond the 4th one and starts in expert mode. See the link below for instructions on how to install custom maps if you do not already have them.
Below is a link to buy/download the game for $10 if you do not already own it. ($10)
Below is a reminder of where we are in our quest to complete all of the missions in survival mode with a gold medal at least. The bolded missions are the completed ones with a gold medal time and the red one is the one that we played most recently.
Dead Center
-Gun Shop
-Mall Atrium
The Passing
-The Riverbank
-The Underground
-The Port
Dark Carnival
-Stadium Gate
Swamp Fever
-Gator Town
-Shanty Town
-The Plantation
Hard Rain
-Burger Tank
-Sugar Mill
-Cane Field
The Parish
-Bus Depot
The Sacrifice
-Train Car
-Port Finale
No Mercy
-The Generator Room
-Gas Station
-The Roof Top
Crash Course
-Truck Depot
Death Toll
Dead Air
-The Crane
-The Construction Site
-The Runway
-The Terminal
Blood Harvest
-The Bridge
-The Farmhouse
Cold Stream
The Last Stand
SoT Community Night, Sunday February 2 @ 9:00 PM Eastern
Posted on Thursday January 30, 2025
Game: Sea of Thieves
Time: 9:00 PM Eastern (8:00 PM Central, 7:00 PM Mountain, 6:00 PM Pacific)
Sea of Thieves is a PC and Xbox One action/adventure game that allows cross play between the two where you form a crew of up to 4 and sail around looking for treasure and having other adventures. If we have more than 4, we will split into several crews. We will make a attempts to match on the same server together with multiple ships at the start, so try to be there on time for this purpose. In order to maximize our odds of getting more than one ship on the same server, please download the Fleet Creator andWindscribeVPN client, sign up for a free account with both, and have them installed and ready to use for these nights. Fleet Creator allows us to see if we connected to the same server easier. Our private lobby uses this code: xKeYI6pWPPdwAV18. Windscribe aids in getting us on the same network and is easy to use and gives you 10 GBs of free data each month.
Make sure to check the game on the Microsoft store app prior to community night to see if there is an update that needs to be downloaded/installed by the store app! Also, if you buy the game through the Microsoft store on either the PC or Xbox, you can install and play it on both the PC and Xbox One simultaneously. You can try it for a month for $1. See below.
More info:
Buy ($40):
Try ($1 with Xbox Game Pass for PC for a month):
Xbox Live names to add to your friends list:
We will be coordinating and communicating via Discord but using the in-game voice comm for crew chat.
In-game chat:
Prepare for Winter WAN Party: Chivalry Medieval Warfare @ 4:00 PM Eastern Sat Feb 8
Posted on Wednesday January 29, 2025
The next game to show up in our schedule of events for our winter WAN party taking place next Saturday February 8 is Chivalry: Medieval Warfare starting at 4:00 PM Eastern. This is the original Chivalry and not the new version, Chivalry 2, although we may switch to that eventually. If you do not already own the game, you can buy it through STEAM ($25):
We will be hosting a server called [OSF] LAN party that will show up in the server browser. There is in-game chat for this game to use for team-oriented coordination, but we will use the Discord lobby and STEAM friends to coordinate and socialize.The server will have our usual password, foliage, to keep it private.
Prepare for Winter WAN Party: Battlefield 3 @ 3:00 PM Eastern Sat Feb 8
Posted on Tuesday January 28, 2025
The next game to show up in our schedule of events for our winter WAN party taking place next Saturday February 8 is Battlefield 3 starting at 3:00 PM Eastern. The game will be on a private server called [OSF] LAN Party with the password foliage and will have bots to supplement real players. If we do not have enough of us to make it fun versus one another, we can stack a team with bots and play coop against the bots. You will need to have Battlefield 3 Premium edition (linked below) and Venice Unleashed (instructions linked below) installed to find and join our server. There is in-game voice communication, but we will use Discord as usual to coordinate and socialize. You can buy it below for $4 or as an alternative sign up for EA Play for one month for $1 which would also give you access to Star Wars Battlefront and Battlefield V which both will be played during our WAN party and then cancel it at the end of the month. Note that you should test that you can login with Venice Unleashed and get to the VU server browser prior to Saturday! Even though I had played the game in the past 6 months at the LAN or some other time, I had to reactivate the game with the link provided by installing Venice Unleashed.
Battlefield 3 Premium Edition ($4)
How to connect to the OSF BF3 server
VH Community Night, Wednesday January 29 @ 9:00 PM Eastern
Posted on Monday January 27, 2025
Game: Valheim
Time: 9:00 PM Eastern (8:00 PM Central, 7:00 PM Mountain, 6:00 PM Pacific)
Valheim is an action/adventure/exploration/survival/crafting game based in Norse mythology and Viking culture. We have changed options on the server to make it much easier to progress and keep engaged in the game without being frustrated by the difficulty.
You can buy it here:$20)
We have a private server that currently can host up to 20 players although we could test higher than that in the future if we have more than 20 who want to play. To get to the server browser, click Start Game and then you must first create a character or choose a character you already created and click Start. At the New World window, click Cancel and use the Join World tab of the remaining window on the left side of the screen. Click the Community tab and then at the Favorites tab click the Add Server button at the bottom. Use for the IP:port. You should see [OSF] Valheim show up in your favorites, and as long as you do not delete it, it should stay there for the future when it is running. Click the Connect button and enter the password, foliage.
We will meet on the Community Night Discord channel.
Prepare for Winter WAN Party: Counter-Strike 2 @ 2:00 PM Eastern Sat Feb 8
Posted on Sunday January 26, 2025
The next game to show up in our schedule of events for our winter WAN party taking place Saturday February 9 is Counter-Strike 2 at 2:00 PM Eastern. You need only have it installed from STEAM as any maps that are not included with the game will be downloaded automatically. If you do not already have the game in your STEAM library, you can download it through STEAM for FREE:
If all goes according to plan, we will have a server (called [OSF] LAN party) which we will advertise the IP address for on Discord. There is in-game chat for this game to use for team-oriented coordination, but we will use the Discord lobby and STEAM friends to coordinate and socialize. Unfortunately, Valve saw fit not to make it easy to password-protect the server, but we do have rudimentary admin should the need arise for it.
Prepare for Winter WAN Party: Sea of Thieves or Zero-K @ 9:00 PM Eastern Fri Feb 7
Posted on Friday January 24, 2025
Our winter WAN party is set to kick off in two weeks on Friday night February 7. It will continue during the afternoon and evening of Saturday February 8. The first games to show up in the schedule will be Sea of Thieves or Zero-K. This is the only time that we will have multiple choices for games knowing that those who play the two games do not crossover much. The plan is for these games to be played Friday night starting around 9:00 PM Eastern although for Sea of Thieves we most likely will start matching ships around 8:30 in hopes of being on our way by 9:00.
For Zero-K, you can download the game for FREE from STEAM.
Buy ($0):
For Sea of Thieves, we will attempt to get as many ships as needed for us all to play on the same server. In order to maximize our odds of getting more than one ship on the same server, please download the Fleet Creator and sign up for a free account. Fleet Creator allows us to see if we connected to the same server quicker and much easier. Our private lobby uses this code: xKeYI6pWPPdwAV18. If you do not own the game, you can buy it at the link below on STEAM or try it for $1 for a 14 days which would cover you during the WAN party:
Buy ($40):
Try ($1 with Xbox Game Pass for PC for a 14 days):
Because we are playing two different games, this will also be the only time that we will be in separate Discord channels for the WAN party. Join the game channel.
CYO Community Night, Sunday January 26 @ 9:00 PM Eastern
Posted on Thursday January 23, 2025
Game: Choose Your Own
Time: 9:00 PM Eastern (8:00 PM Central, 7:00 PM Mountain, 6:00 PM Pacific)
Some of us might want to watch the NFL playoff game which will run into the usual community night time, so we are making this a Choose Your Own (CYO) community night game for whomever is interested at whatever time anyone is available to play.
We will meet on the Community Night Discord channel to coordinate.
7D2D Community Night, Wednesday January 22 @ 9:00 PM Eastern
Posted on Monday January 20, 2025
Game: 7 Days To Die
Time: 9:00 PM Eastern (8:00 PM Central, 7:00 PM Mountain, 6:00 PM Pacific)
7 Days to Die is a zombie apocalypse survival game with some crafting/building, similar to The Forest. We will have a server running for it on community nights. The name of our server is [OSF] Die in the Dell and can be found by searching the in-game server browser for [OSF] or by adding the IP ( manually. Do not use the external STEAM server browser to join the server as it does not work properly.
You can buy 7 Days to Die for $45 and find more information about it here:
Although there is in-game voice communication, we will also meet in a Discord Game Lobby and use that instead.
© 2010 - 2025 The Outlaws of Sherwood Forest